Then I get to a small field. The part of the tree that grows to the right is probably tall enough that I could easily walk under it. But, I would be risking meeting poison ivy up close, or stepping on something slithery. Another reason I tend to walk on mowed paths.
It seems unusual for someone in this area to have a house with an acreage if she doesn't plan to raise animals.
Most people in the area with an acreage have either a few head of cattle or some horses. Maybe goats and chickens closer to the house. These critters help out with the land, but also require even more work.
It's rare to want to care for an area without financial gain. Cows and pigs can be sold. Horses can be ridden. Goats trim the grass.
You either need critters to graze the pasture, or you mow it, or it will become a forest again.
Frankly, it is work. Either in caring for the animals on the property, or caring for the land itself. A lot of the land has been left to return to nature during my time on the place. But during the quarantine, I've enjoyed having the space to roam even more than usual.
With the world in a troubled mode, the walk helps. Nature is going along as usual which I can see as I stroll. I imagine the land little different than hundreds of years ago when Native American children played in the area. Imagining children at play and at peace with the world seems to briefly solve all my problems.