The young one hopped along the branches to be closer to his father, but as time passed, he began to take flight.
He usually didn't appear to hunt for food for the babies, yet I was told he would.
But in the end, perhaps the most rewarding part for me was to see how devoted he appeared to be to the eaglets.
A father's compassion for his children was a secondary theme in the first book I had published, Safe in the Earl's Arms. I didn't notice it until completing the last pages...
The heroine, Melina was mostly abandoned by her father, and Warrington is trying to find parents for a little girl who is his ward. Warrington feels he's found the perfect home in a devoted couple, but Melina also has a family unit planned for the little one. In the end, Melina enlists her collected family to show Warrington she would be a good mother, and he would be the best father.
Writing the resolution was uplifting for me. I wrote the romance planning for the underlying theme to be about the search for the statue of the Venus de Milo's arms, but for me, it turned out to be about parental love.
Seeing good parenting in nature made all the trips to watch the eagle nest even more worthwhile.
The male eagle's actions to his offspring were positive, and hopefully, next year, I'll be able to see the supportive parents return to the nest and have more young to raise.