I once freelanced magazine articles and took the photos to go with them. I've had a photo used for the cover of a phone book, in an ad, and even had one of my pictures on the cover of a magazine.
I don't even have a decent camera anymore. Not really. For blog posting, I take quick pics and also buy photos from fotolia.com. Much more efficient than taking my own photos. The variety is amazing too. Shopping for the images is more fun than I ever expected, and kind of addictive for me--which does mean I could spend way too much money there.
Then someone told me about Quozio. It's a site you can go onto and type sayings and it will put the quote on a background suitable for Pinterest. I started playing with the site a little, but I wanted to try a few shots of my own. The next thing I know I'm outside with an old camera trying to take my own backgrounds for quotes.
To make a long story short--as if I could--I end up making a background for a friend's book--Without Mercy by Alicia Dean. I took a photo in the back yard, put a quote from her book on it and sent it to her. And she seemed to like it. Posted it on her FB page and another friend shared. The next thing I know I'm digging around in the barn hunting for rope to photograph, and barbed wire, to see if I could make a quote photo for my book.
A few days later I looked out and saw the light. I saw the light. Oh, it was beautiful. In the evening, sometimes the hues are more golden.
And so, with a borrowed camera, I took a few photos, of, you know, stuff. Like old wood and wheelbarrows. Flies. I didn't even realize when I took a picture of the deer poop that I was at it again. But after about the 30th picture of a flintlock mechanism on a gun--the little shutter inside my head clicked.
I'll still be buying photos, but I also would like to buy a camera.