The second resolution that I have broken most recently is to list three things each day to be happy for. But, I do try to keep the spirit of that one.
The resolution, or goal, or personal commitment, which seems easiest for me to keep is the one in which I decide to write a novel.
For many years before I was a published author, I always planned to start a new project in January and have it finished by July when the annual Romance Writer's of America Conference rolled around.
I'd begin writing in January. In February I'd send in my conference fee. Sometime around March it would be time to sign up for an appointment with an editor or agent. Then in April, I'd need to make airline reservations. In May I'd start feeling the need to write faster, and in June I'd keep reminding myself what it would feel like to sit down in front of an editor without having a project to discuss.
I need a plan like that for an exercise program....