Through three or four computers, I've kept that file. Lost a lot of other ones, but that one I've uploaded, backed-up and generally saved. The file is a security blanket for me so if the light bulb doesn't come on above my head--if it's covered in dust--I can still have a story idea.
I just didn't realize how big the file would get.
At the beginning I have a short section of names I wrote down so that I could go back and have a bit of an unusual name for a character. Names like Jolley.
It's a quick scroll to the next section of the file. This contains the beginnings of historical romances. One scene after another. I wrote some of them in the same way an artist might doodle on a sketch pad. Sort of a way to relax, or a way to hold on to a thought and see if I like it later.
If I click the key to go to the end of the file, I can scroll up and see the beginnings of contemporary novel ideas.
Sometimes after I see the ideas, I know I don't want to write that story--ever. But sometimes I see the words and I think I really, really want to write that story some day.
I know I'll never ever write probably one half of a per cent of the stories in that file. It's 90,000 words long. My sketch pad.
(The photo above is from the abandoned barn near my house.)