William Dampier, in the book A Pirate of Exquisite Mind, is noted as saying that even though he sailed with them for years--he was not a pirate, and to get off their ship, he had to escape. In reading the details of a pirate's life recounted by Dampier, I began to think of them as sea savages. The Captain Jack Sparrow image was replaced in my thoughts by something more Quenton Tarrentino.
Sometimes pirates did meet the wrong victim though. They captured Julius Caesar and held him for ransom. He reportedly informed them they were asking for too little money, and they increased the amount of funds needed for his release. They made the mistake of freeing him. Afterwards, Caesar had his captors caught and he exacted revenge. Permanently and decisively.
Photo assistance: Thanks to my model for patiently posing with a machete.
Note: More posts about sailing vessels, pirates and mermaids to follow.