A friend of mine, Anna Kittrell, was upset about a typo that appeared in one of her books. I told her about women from the past who made quilts. Often they were said to add a purposeful mistake into the sewing. The reasoning was that only God is perfect. Mistakes are what make us human.
And I think it would have been fun to examine those quilts and find the little reminder that only God is perfect.
Anna didn't tell me where to find the typo in Another Man's Treasure. She said I'd have to look for it myself. Good call. When I read the book, I doubt I'll see the error, but if I do, I'll think it an added bonus.
Anna also writes young adult stories, and captures the spirit of those teen years wonderfully. Her latest YA book is Witcha'be, and if you read the preview pages for the book, you'll see what I mean regarding her gift for writing about teens. Adults can enjoy this story, too. Check out: http://annakittrell.com/About.html