I went back to the bio page recently to check it--which put me back on my book's Amazon page. And then I discovered I could buy a used copy of Safe In The Earl's Arms.
They say what goes around...you know, haunts you. I've bought my share of used books. I think twenty was the most I ever bought at once, and it was a terrible mistake. The lady had more books than that and I didn't get all of them. I started reading the novels, and I realized this was her "keeper" books. Each book was a tremendous story. Among others, I read Flowers in the Storm by Laura Kinsale and Once a Knight by Christina Dodd. Dodd's knight has sobriety issues--and the Kinsale book, well, after reading it four times, I don't know if I'll read it again. I'm not going to tell you what the hero's problem is. And the back of the book blurb doesn't mention it. It's one you have to read to understand in my opinion, and Laura Kinsale did an amazing job.
Once though—before Kindle—after reading a few free books by an author, I had to go to the bookstore (which had new books) and try to find another book by her. While in the bookstore, I noticed she had three more books on the shelves, but I only purchased one.
After I finished the new book, I had to go back for one more. I came out of the store with both her other books--not even discounted. I enjoyed the Bridgerton series. Historical Romance fans will probably know exactly which author wrote that one.
The bio I struggled with is at: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=liz+tyner
NOTE: The yarn hanging from the books below is planned. I have two skeins and a pair of scissors handy. When a piece of the fuzzy brown yarn is put in a book I've finished--it's the same as a five star rating and I know I might need to read that book again.