But tonight, that half written story is sitting there with a deadline lurking in the shadows. Imagine a jack-o-lantern smile on a dark hooded shape, and that's what the deadline is in my imagination. I have to keep on top of the story so that little grinning face is tiny enough it won't overpower me.
So, I checked to see if I have any emails, and started a blog post. I like to write. So, often my form of procrastination is to sit at the keyboard and write--something--anything--other than my next book.
The photo to the left is what I see when I am in my room and raise my eyes from the keyboard and look straight ahead. I might need to replace it with a poster that says Think Deadline.
So I sit here imagining how I'd make a poster that says Think Deadline. Or maybe I should make one that says Procrastination Expert. But perhaps I should put that off for a bit.